Our story

Aurelia & Zwei Frauen


Once upon a time, or maybe not so long ago, beyond the mountains and forests, there lived two twin sisters. The girls had a hardworking, joyful grandmother who knew how to make something out of nothing. In those times, the sun lazily cast beams of light, and one could play with blades of grass all day long, eat pastel-coloured pudding, and draw appetizing clouds with wax crayons. The special day for the girls was approaching, so they asked their grandmother to sew dresses for them. The woman gathered fabrics lovingly, curtains with ornaments, and materials from various places. As she began her work, the whole house came to life; the dresses, coats, and scarves rustled with excitement because someone finally recognized their true nature.

The drapes billowed like sea waves coming from afar,

The curtains frothed with their lace, murmuring softly.

Thus, an exceptional tale of the past was woven,

About respect, durability, colour, and beauty.

“Look,” said the grandmother, showing two dresses, “they have many layers, not all visible at once, but each one is unique and vital. Life sometimes hides secrets from us too. If you treat the objects around you with tenderness and respect, you will feel their beautiful and true essence. Your everyday life will be extraordinary and full of mindfulness. Always start with the little things because joy lies in the details.”

The sisters embraced these teachings, never lacking in ideas and creative energy, and the objects themselves seemed to gravitate toward them.

One day, the twin sisters found a little box filled with buttons that belonged to their grandmother. They were enchanted by the treasures they found, and it turned out that they had inherited another gift from their grandmother – they, too, could make something out of nothing. Whenever the objects fell into their hands, nothing was obvious, and so the buttons transformed into charming rings. It also happened that, thanks to them, a certain armchair got a new lease of life and even fell in love, and a little jug turned into a brooch.

Thanks to their grandmother, the girls knew the rustling of fabrics, which, when rippling, allowed them to gather their floral folds into dresses, decorate them with lace collars made from napkins, and wear jewellery made from buttons. As the years passed, the paths of the twin sisters were interwoven with threads of childhood memories, shaping their future on the fabric. Until one day, entirely new stories and images came to them, extraordinary patterns that rebelled and wanted to escape from home! They spoke to the sisters:

“We no longer want to stay in one place; we want to play, it’s time to set off on a journey! The horses of our imagination have been ready to gallop for a long time! Allow us to enjoy fruits in orchards, stroll along cobbled streets, and listen to the sound of the sea. We long to water flowers in gardens, spend time in cafes and reminisce about childhood. You have the power to create, to make something out of nothing, breathe a little life into us, just one tender gesture from you is enough.”

“Very well,” replied the sisters, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. “We will do it.”

We will give you movement and changes of weather, freedom, and the breeze of wind,

Let the fabric be the basis for your stories.

We will let you flow on our dresses

And carry your fairytale fables step by step with us.

You will wrap our shoulders with shirts.

We will let you dance and treat the world with a grain of salt,

Live and become part of memories.

So, what can you promise us?

“We will repay! – responded the tales and images – Our nature is sturdy, honest, and exceptional.
We are modest, beautiful, and unique, and our presence brings a good mood. In exchange for freedom, we will give you colour and joy. In exchange for travels, we promise teenage girlhood, courage, grace, and a pinch of madness. Here are our gifts:

Here is the taste of strawberry – it’s for you

Field flowers and roses – take care of them

Here is a horse in gallop – take it

Here is a spool with a golden thread, it’s exceptional, it weaves the whole story – it’s yours.

The sisters accepted the gifts, and the fabrics came to life, full of enchanting stories, weaving their patterns and histories. On this occasion, a grand ball was thrown; the girls ate pudding, danced all night in their handmade dresses, and admired the shimmering scales of mermaids glimmering in the sea waves. From then on, everyone lived happily ever after, marvelling at the shapes of mountains on the horizon and being amazed by extraordinary mushrooms. They indulged in their favourite desserts, travelled, and sometimes attentively observed the leaves of plants and beautiful dogs.

Since that time, the twins have been continuously creating unique dresses, vests, kimonos, and shirts from various fabrics, infusing each item with rays of sunlight, vibrant colours, and the joy of girlhood.


Our story – the tale of two sisters, their grandmother, and the dresses – is genuine.

The first communion dresses sewn by our grandmother from materials meant for other purposes were the first garments that inspired us in adulthood to use fabrics from bygone times to create a unique wardrobe. In the 1990s, in Central Europe, many things were scarce, but it unleashed creativity among Polish housewives of that time. Respect for objects, thriftiness, and, above all, imagination led to the streets being filled with colourfully and beautifully dressed women.

Today, this sentimental journey takes on a different meaning for us; it is not just a longing for carefree childhood times but also a responsible gaze into the future. In a culture of excess and fast fashion,
we clearly see that the transformation of existing materials and the use of natural fabrics are necessary and reflect our responsibility for the planet. Among other things, this is why we focus on the skill
of transformation, giving further meaning and purpose to what already exists.

Time and patience are also crucial in our work – the unhurried process of finding the right fabric, refined craftsmanship passed down through generations, the choice of stitching, and the fit of the design. All of this makes the created clothes truly one-of-a-kind. Throughout the entire process,
we also remember to ensure that the wearers of our creations feel special, beautiful, and joyful, and that the vibrant
colours and prints of the fabrics evoke such emotions.

We believe that what is created with attentiveness, attention to detail, and sensitivity acquires profound meaning, becoming a personal story. We believe in joy, beauty, and its complexity
– these are what create true uniqueness. Time, ecological responsibility, honest craftsmanship, and natural fabrics are important to us. The past, from which everything we create originates, shapes the present. We believe that the beauty and joy here and now help design a future full
of hope.

Written by:
Marianna Mokoszyło

Tomasz Chwałek